Peter Toohey

Peter Toohey was born in Seymour, Victoria and taught for many years in his native Australia at the University of New England, Armidale.  He is  currently a professor of classics in the Department of Classics and Religion at the University of Calgary in Canada. He was educated at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia and at the University of Toronto.  He is particularly interested in the nature, representation, and the history of difficult emotional and physical conditions, how people cope with these, and how individuals sometimes turn these to their own advantage. His most recent books are Jealousy (2014) and Boredom: A Lively History (2011), both published by Yale University Press. His next book, Hold On: The Life, Science, and Art of Waiting,will be published by Oxford University Press in May 2020.  His books have been translated into seven languages.  Peter Toohey lives in Calgary, Canada.